I love stories! From the great stories of literature, to my neighbour’s story about why he’s always late, I find stories fascinating. They’re so compelling, so capable of expressing our brilliance, and yet also, so capable of trapping us in our past failings and apparent shortcomings. Yes, stories are powerful and magnificent. But what I love most about stories is this: stories, by definition, are that wonderful mix of truth and fiction.
From the “truths” contained in those great literary fictions, to the fictional elaborations of my neighbour's very real tendency to be late, stories are connected to reality, and at the same time, a bit made up.
This project is an exploration of the stories of our lives. Using ideas, literature, culture, history, philosophy, psychology, and most of all, good old fashion conversation, my hope is to connect people by showing how, no matter what we believe, we’re all, in the end, made of stories.
I believe every single one of us has a story to share. Every. Single. One.
Stories of Our Lives is an attempt to share those stories - well, parts of them anyway! Versions, fragments, excerpts. The truths and the fictions. Whatever it happens to be that people want to talk about. That is the stuff of life, after all!
The Stories of Our Lives project is simple. I interview people via video link, recording the conversation, then share it on my website and social media.
The “interviews” are really just conversations. They’re not meant to be confrontational, and all I’m really there to do is encourage you to tell your story. I’m interested in how you negotiate your way through this thing we call “life”, how you’ve come to where you are now, from where you were before, and anything else that makes you the unique you.
The whole thing should take 30 to 45 minutes, and should be fun!
If this sounds interesting, please get in touch and we can arrange a meeting!
ease contact me, if you’re interested in telling your story!