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The A to Z of Simple Living!

A Simply Human Discussion Group ~ Taster Session!

Life can be complicated. So how can we keep it simple?


This group explores simple living ~ from the grounded reality of our physical bodies, to the clarity of our thinking, and the spiritual connectedness to something bigger than ourselves.


We will break the session into four parts ~ the four Hs! In the morning, after our introduction, Part 1 will explore the idea of "Here" and Part 2, "Human". After a break for lunch, in Part 3 we'll explore "Humility" and we'll finish with Part 4, and "Harmony"


Please join us for this free taster session! The A to Z of Simple Living ~ Taster

Part 1- Here 

What does it mean to be more in the moment, more present, and not so "in your head"?

A gentle introduction, we'll start by bringing ourselves back to the now, this present moment. It's so easy to slip into reliving the past, or making up the future, but you're only ever where you are in the moment, and this is our chance to honour that.

Part 2 - Human

What is it to be human? Can we find balance to honour our human essence?

In the second part we'll explore what it means to be human. What we're interested in here is the whole human experience ~ physical, psychological and spiritual beings living in a world of phenomena. With awareness of the unity of physical and spiritual we can live in the moment with peace of mind.

Part 3 - Humility

"Humility isn't thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of your self less."   Sydney Banks

Are we really responsible for fixing everything, especially ourselves? Are we really broken in the first place? This week we'll point ourselves back to the space before our personal minds, before the self-importance of me, me, me, to the calm space within, of love, well-being, and the truth of who we are.

Part 4 - Harmony

Can we make sense of living in harmony with a seemingly chaotic world?

Our final session points us back to "what is" and our potential harmony in life when we live with what is. When we struggle in our minds to change or fix the world with force and pressure, we can forget our true nature - love and well-being. Lead by being who you are in essence ... love, joy, well-being and connection.   

Your Hosts

Simply Human is the beautiful collaborative creation by ...  us! ~ Frank Foley and Marlene Fuchs!


Our Simply Human classes are relaxed and fun, and always underpinned with that silent big H ~ Humour! We aim to create a space of both exploration and wonder, and also contemplation and listening. Outside the basic structure we work in the moment with conversation, questions, and active listening.


Simply Human is an invitation to explore! We draw on our personal experience, and the various teachings and wisdom we have come across in our lives. Both of us have experience with the work of Sydney Banks, whose spiritual awakening in the early 1970s lead to the development of the "Three Principles" understanding.​ Whilst Simply Human is not directly a "Three Principles" course, a trace of Syd's work is never far away! 



Online Course

Join our free taster session with our compliments on Sunday 24th March from 10 am to 3 pm!


Day Course - Whitstable

Day courses run 10 am to 4 pm.   

Sessions in Whitstable, Kent.

The cost of the course is £48

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