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Writer's pictureFrank Foley

Certain of My Own Certainty - A Pep-Talk from My Ego

(Or ... How My Ego Seduces Me When I'm Full of My Own Righteousness #7573)

Frank, oh, god! What you said to that guy, wow! You gave him the truth! You were so right about it. Exactly right. I mean ... You told THE TRUTH! Truth, man, not just your opinion, truth. Not just your slither of reality, not just your thin thread of human experience that is valid and worth discussing but, in the end, is just another story like anyone else's. Truth. While they're all spouting biased BS nonsense, you’re speaking your truth ... sorry, THE TRUTH. Because - silly of me - YOUR TRUTH is THE TRUTH, isn’t it, Frank? And - my god, I feel so passionate about this - when someone is speaking THE TRUTH shouldn’t they speak it with all the spite and vitriol, and complete disregard for their own foibles and hypocrisies, they can muster? Because ... if it’s true it's true, Frank. True - objective - fact. Look, man, you’re certain of your own certainty, so you have a right to criticise others. I’d almost say you have a duty to take those bastards (whoever they are this week) down a peg or two. Give them a taste of your TRUTH - sorry, I mean THE TRUTH - because you’re right and they’re wrong. We all know that it’s other people who cause the problems, and we all know that other people are the reason everything is so messed up... Truth, Frank And, you know what? When people get all holy and invoke “perspective” - ignore it. They’re weak people, Frank. They’re appeasers. They’re fence-sitters. They’ll come at you with humility and connection and harmony, but they’re blind … they’re so focused on Other People’s Views ... they can’t see that only you have THE TRUTH...


I hope that helped, my friend. My little pep-talk. I hope it keeps you going. I hope it keeps you spewing out your hard and absolute truth every day; that HARD AND ABSOLUTE TRUTH that only resides in your pure righteous soul, and which, every day, separates people a little more, creates a little more tension, suspicion and frustration, and, every day, keeps your fragile little ego intact. Keep up the good work!

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