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You Are the Blue Sky by Sarah Kostin

This is a beautiful book, and I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you're new to the 3Ps, and it all sounds a little weird ("Sounds kooky - what are these principles, they keep talking about?" ).

Like all of us, Sarah is a beautiful spirit, who for years laboured under the weight of her personal thinking. She's just another normal human being who came across 3Ps conversations and heard something different ... it shifted things for her, and this book tells her story.

It's gentle, funny, and painful, almost unbearably at times, as stories of life usually are ... but there is so much light in this book as Sarah shares, not only her own deeply personal story, but also her own unique experience and understanding of an inside-out way of thinking...

And that's the thing about the 3Ps, there's no right way... it's not a system, or a set of processes, it's not a prescription of how to live, or a set of rules ... it's just pointing in a direction that most of us innocently are not looking in... that direction is who we really are...

NOTE: We will definitely be running a study group on this book! Anyway... I'll be dipping into, You Are the Blue Sky all week, with quotes, etc.

Here's a passage I love, from Chapter 17, Letting In.


"Because we are not taught what a feeling really means, most of us resist our feelings.

However with this new understanding of the way our mind works, we realise that it’s OK to be overwhelmed with sadness, grief or loss, it’s OK to want things, it’s OK to not get those things and feel sad, it’s OK to be frustrated, agitated and annoyed with our partners, and it’s OK to love them achingly in spite of it…

"We feel it all, the rage, the hurt, the injustice, the inequality, the hate, the shame, the judgement, the sadness, the doubt, the fear, and it’s all ok … the feelings are like knocks on the door of our awareness, signals that we are butting up against our patterns of thought.

Instead of closing the door, which only makes them knock louder, we can open the door and invite them in.

"It is only in the story we make up about those feelings that we suffer. If we simply feel without judgement or interpretation , we can allow for it all. Letting in these emotions opens us up to the full spectrum of human experience, letting in lets everything in … love, connection, clarity, trust, and ease.

Resilience is our true nature."

From, You Are the Blue Sky by Sarah Kostin, Chapter 17.

To find out more about the three principles understanding, join our Facebook group: Three Principles Whitstable

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