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Frank Guides: The Fly by Katherine Mansfield

An audio study guide focusing on one of the great short story writers of the 20th century.

Katherine Mansfield's works include, The Garden Party, The Dolls House, In a German Pension, and the much loved, Bliss. This course focuses on the short story, The Fly, published in 1922.

There are four audio files, and one summary pdf.

Frank Guides: The Fly by Katherine Mansfield

  • This study guide consists of 4 audio files (mp3) and 1 summary (pdf).

    1. Introduction - 4 mins 35 secs. (mp3)

    2. Brief bio and ideas map - 12.52 (mp3)

    3. Close reading 1 - 22.06 (mps3)

    4. Close reading 2 - 23.37 (mp3)

    5. Summary - (pdf) 

    Total audio time - 63 minutes 10 seconds. 


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